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Didn’t find what you were looking for? Something continually out of stock? Or are you simply wanting to file a formal complaint regarding a bug or other problem with this website? Look no further.

Contact us and within 3-4 business days we will reach back out to you with an attempt to resolve your issue. Please understand that not all requests can be fulfilled but we are working diligently to ensure every customer has a satisfactory experiance while shopping with PokeDad's Corner.

For other inquires, please refer below as this will be a growing FAQ

(Check back regularly for updates)


  • Pokémon Eggs are produced by breeding two Pokémon of a compatible Egg Group and opposite gender together and will contain, by default, the lowest species in the evolutionary line of the mother. However, no one has ever seen a Pokémon lay an Egg, and thus, it is not confirmed that this is how they appear.

  • Bulbasaur is the first in the Pokedex, Mew is the genetic ancestor of all Pokemon, Rhydon was the first idea by the Pokemon creator, and Arceus is god, thus existed before time and space (Palkia and Dialga).

  • At PokéDad’s Corner, we’re always searching for new ways to raise our standards and show our customers just how much their trust means to us. In the past, we’ve implemented numerous measures to ensure the quality and transparency of our cards, including:

    • Photographing cards on a black background to highlight any imperfections.

    • Placing all cards in penny sleeves during the initial sorting to prevent surface damage.

    • Conducting multiple rounds of sorting to ensure all cards are accurately priced based on their condition.

    However, we’re taking things to the next level! As of January 2025, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with TCGPlayer.com, the premier marketplace for trading card enthusiasts. Along with this partnership, we’ve officially adopted TCGPlayer’s trusted Conditioning Standards to guarantee every card you purchase meets the highest expectations.

    • Shop with confidence knowing our cards are conditioned to TCGPlayer’s exacting standards.

    • Enjoy seamless access to our ever-growing collection of top-tier cards.

    • Join the vibrant TCGPlayer community and take your collection to the next level!

  • We have you covered! Just follow this Link to view our current line-up of boxes/packaging options.

  • As an online-only store, we strive to maintain the highest level of transparency with our customers. To support this commitment, we are currently transitioning our TCG inventory to TCGPlayer.com to enhance your shopping experience and peace of mind. This move allows you to shop with confidence, as TCGPlayer provides comprehensive card listings and condition details, ensuring you know the exact quality of the cards you're purchasing. Our goal is to make your search for the perfect cards as seamless and transparent as possible.

  • If you order both TCG and non-TCG items, there will be separate upfront shipping charges since TCG items are listed on TCGPlayer.com while non-TCG items remain on our main site. However, to make things easier for you, we’ll automatically combine all orders placed on the same day with the same shipping name and address. Once combined, we’ll issue a partial refund for the lesser of the two shipping charges. This way, you’re not paying more than necessary for shipping. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!